Graduation Requirements
English: 4 years (40 credits)
Mathematics: 3 years (30 credits)*
Science: 3 years lab (30 credits)
Social Science: 4 years (40 credits)
Physical Education: 2 years (20 credits)
Practical/Vocational Arts: 1 year (10 credits)
Visual/Performing Arts: 1 year (10 credits)
Mathematics: 3 years (30 credits)*
Science: 3 years lab (30 credits)
Social Science: 4 years (40 credits)
Physical Education: 2 years (20 credits)
Practical/Vocational Arts: 1 year (10 credits)
Visual/Performing Arts: 1 year (10 credits)
Electives: 50 credits
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: (skills satisfied in other classes)
Health: Satisfied by completing CP or AP Human Geography and Freshman P.E.
*Students who have not passed Math 3 must take the fourth year of mathematics. Students who achieve "Standard Exceeded" on the California Assessment for Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) are not required to take the fourth year of mathematics.
Forty units of English are required for graduation. It is required that students who plan to attend a university have four years of English. All English courses include work in the areas of reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. Students must earn passing grades in the required English classes. Students who fail required courses must make up credit in summer school or other alternative courses.
All students must complete three years of math, including two advanced courses in math. Two advanced courses will be defined as Math 1, Math 2, Math 2B, Math 3, Trig/Pre-Calculus, Calculus, or Statistics.
- Freshman P.E. is required of all students for graduation - no waivers and no exceptions. For the second year requirement, the Principal may allow up to 10 units of credit for P.E. Students who participate in two extra-curricular sports during one academic year can earn 5 credits. Students in three consecutive sports in one academic year can earn 10 credits.
- Students cannot get initial credit for P.E. during Summer School. Students not passing the Physical Fitness Test must take a district-approved P.E. Course in 10th grade.
- Students are required to continue to be enrolled in a P.E. class until they pass 5 out of 6 performance standards of the California Physical Fitness Test. A student who has completed their sophomore year has passed 4 of 6 California Physical Fitness Test standards, and is 16 may apply for a waiver (see your counselor for more details).
Career Choices is a required course for all ninth graders to meet the California Healthy Youth Act. This requires that comprehensive sexual health education and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education be taught to students. All instructional materials are available for review at your student's main office upon request. Parents may choose to exclude their students from participation in certain sections of instruction, guest speakers, and adjacent assessments or surveys. (Ed Code 51937, 51938, 51939)
New students will receive partial credit if their enrollment date is after school has been in session for more than twenty (20) days and they are unable to provide transfer grades from a previous school/district.