Human Resources

At SUHSD the goal of the Human Resource Department is to provide outstanding customer service and support. Our desire is to attend to the educational needs of our staff and the public. The Human Resources staff is highly knowledgeable and effective in all aspects of Human Resources. We work collaboratively with all SUHSD departments and schools to be an invaluable resource.


Human Resources
Location: 2200 Eureka Way, Suite B, Redding, CA 96001
Phone: 530.241.3261
Fax: 530.245.2777
  • Jason Rubin
    Associate Superintendent, HR
  • Cindy Chao, Ext. 10511
    Administrative Assistant, Certificated Personnel
  • Sarah Murrietta, Ext. 10514
    Administrative Assistant, Classified Personnel



SUHSD Employment

SUHSD is committed to employing suitable, qualified individuals to carry out the district’s mission to provide high-quality education to its students and to ensure the efficiency of district operations.

Applying fair, open, transparent recruitment, and selection processes and procedures. It is our goal to ensure that all individuals are selected based on demonstrated knowledge, skills, and competence and not on any bias, personal preference, or unlawful discrimination. These processes and procedures are outlined in Board Policy 4311 Recruitment and Selection.